CARZAN is a conceptional artist, that mostly wants to express something social, political, ethical, environmental with its works, to shake up the viewer, in its time.
CARZAN was born in 2016.
The main art works and creative ideas of CARZAN are mostly implemented by CARZAN Co-Creators and other artists.
CAZRAN’s works are not available for money directly, rather for charity or donated, awarded to people that deserve a big thank you.
CARZAN bears in mind, eventually, to set up CARZAN Foundation for Humanity, for the good. To honor people in our society that are doing something important for this world, fully altruistic.
Current project – FREE THE ANT
Carzan satirizes the beautiful artwork/truck & text installation by Emilio Isgro, with which we want to raise awareness of animal rights.
It questions whether a single ant can survive on its own, or whether it dies from exhausting running around to help an ant queen who isn’t there, whether she has food and other questions.
Carzan also distributes small pieces of paper with interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. For example, how many times the weight an ant can transport/carry – answer 30-40 x

Could that ant in the truck survive a whole week without food?
Who feeds the ant?
Fight for animal rights!
Give even the smallest animal like an ant legal rights, since it cannot speak for itself.

Contact, more information
For news, information, art, charity purchases etc. contact us via
Helper/assistant wanted
CARZAN is looking for a creative helper, assistant who is very skilled at implementing things and can coordinate well. It is not expected that the helper ant can implement everything itself; creative results, timely delivery, within the estimated budget are more important.
Leave a message using the online form or contact us directly via email