the (in)visible art(ist)

Portrait & Infos

CARZAN was born in 2016.

CARZAN is a conceptional artist, that mostly wants to express something social, political, environmental with its works, to shake up the viewer,in its time.

CARZAN ‘s main art works, creative ideas are mostly implemented by Michael Schmid and other artists, in future as CARZAN X Co-Creator

CAZRAN’s works are not available for money directly, rather for charity or donated, awarded to people that deserve a big thank you.

CARZAN bears in mind, eventually, to set up CARZAN Foundation for Humanity, for the good. To honor people in our society that are doing something important for this world, fully altruistic.

project examples, ideas, designs ...

Anticapitalist Artwork

SWATCH IRONY Contest – winners gained access to the Swatch Golden & Pioneer Club 2019


SWATCH Black & White Gold & Pioneer Contest 2020


Frauenstreiktag 2019 Plakat CALZEDONIA – ALTERNATIV-Vorschlag
